
What to know before getting a pet divorce

  The Creation of California Pet Custody Law (California Family Code Section 2605) Prior to 2019, in the eyes of California Courts, pets were viewed as mere property when subject to a dissolution with judges left to fashion their own remedies in an area of divorce that was uncertain viewing animals not as living things but property with a sticker value.   Martinez v. Robledo  (2012) 210 Cal.App.4th 384 Today custody battles over pets are based upon specific California law in California Family Code Section 2605.   The change reflects the important role Pets play in people’s lives and families. And while California Courts have acknowledged that people have a special relationship with animals that sets them apart from other types of property until recently, there was no statutory support for California Family Court Judges to act upon.   At the Davalos Law Firm, clients are surprised to find out that yes, pets acquired during marriage are considered community property.   However, if the pe